MODIFIKASI Rountank | Sepeda Ontel | Jadi Motor
When viewed at a glance, it looks like a regular bicycle ontel. There are strokes, handlebar, and the size of a bicycle tire. Apparently not just any bike ontel Roundtank. So, what is Roundtank? Apparently, Rountank ontel bike is a machine installed.
This vehicle is a motorcycle should be said, because this really is a given motor bikes. When turned on, noise and exhaust fumes typical two-wheeled machines do not drown us about the bicycle ontel shadow.
Uniquely, this Roundtank can not be acquired at the dealership or showroom like other motorcycles. There are no original Roundtank because everything handmade.
"Here we make of bike onthel. But the more we cut to the engine cradle. Well, we usually use the machine stamper machine (timbris), a tool to smooth the way. That capacity 80 cc. But there is also a karting engine wear, capacity 180cc. Motor lose it, "said M. Irfan Agustian (32), Chief Executive Barudak Roundtank Bandung (Baron).
Roundtank making process from raw materials to finished it does not take a minute. Fastest one month, that if done well-yack. Average production could take one and a half to three months. Especially if requested details, production time may take more than three months.
When viewed, it is almost no Roundtank similar. Everything was different, at least similar in one part only. For example, there are machines that are both using the stamper machine.
"Yes I have this Roundtank made approximately 1.5 months. Relax though. If it's raw materials, we've got suppliers . Question of other parts, we take a motor. For example, the piston can wear a suzuki RC-100. Then brake wear drum motorcycle. Carburetor also use a two-stroke motors, "certainly Irpan.
Creativity of this community deserves thumbs up. Even their famous creativity to other areas. Amazingly, not only from local actors, their creativity also thumbs up by foreign bikers.
"Yes we've been asked to make the same Roundtank Canadian. Malaysia also had. If local, the most far has been to Borneo and Bali," said Irpan.