Custom modifications to handle Ahmad, a resident Tambaksari Kuwarasan Gombong Kebumen. "I do it step-by-step from the minimalist to the present. So indirect bulk. All adjusted for funds, "the light of entrepreneurs who are willing to commute to Aditya Motors Cilacap cultivating process.
Custom context is identical to the nuances of the wide rim gambot alias. In this case used Honda Jazz car wheels 6 inch footed. "Of course dibubut reset to the axle holder," explained Wiwin Yulianto builder, Aditya Motor retainer who apply 140/60-14 tire size.
The more stable, self-installed rear double. Which become more value, Ahmad adopt Bodykit custom scented three dimensional 3D alias. Previously, the front body of the lamp is also crammed with Vario.
Supports the overall performance, the device is also installed IBE (In Bike Entertainment). Installation area is placed on the middle body area. "Not bad for a friend on the trip," Ahmad proudly using GMC is supported DVD and TV Jensen Polivision power. | Ogy
SOK AHEAD:, SOK BACKGROUND: Evolution Damper (2), FRONT TIRE: FDR 90/90-14, BACK TIRE: 140/60-14 Delitire, alloy wheels BACKGROUND: Custom, handlebars: Ninja, modifier: Aditya Motors, ADDRESS: Complex Rajiman Ruko, Jl. Rajiman Cilacap or Ph. (0282) 5227104 or Mobile: 0815 4282 0007.